trading transactions in the fund since launch of the AI strategy
global, liquid markets, long and short: equities, government bonds, currencies and volatility
QuantMatrix provides daily trading signals for the positioning of the fund
evolution of quantitative strategies: AI uses 100,000 times more computing power
Correlation of <0.2 with traditional asset classes
AI is a cutting-edge technology that will be increasingly used in portfolio management and will experience further innovation in the coming years.
Here you can find current news, press releases, media articles and more.
Interview | BankingHub | 27. July 2023
AI in asset management: between man and machinearticle on hedgewee | 23. March 2021
Tungsten Capital positions AI-powered fund as an alternative for fixed-income investors“article on hedgeweek | 25. September 2020
Tungsten TRYCON AI-powered UCITS fund marks seventh anniversary with 4.1 per cent gain YTDAudio | Eurekahedge | 8. July 2020
Eurekahedge Podcast Interview – Tungsten TRYCON AI Global MarketsVideo | Opalesque Corona Fighters | 23. June 2020
Corona Fighters Webinar-ReplaySpecial Report Opalesque | 16. June 2020
Corona Fighters Report: Asset Managers Who Delivered During the MeltdownPress Release | 11. March 2020
Frankfurt-based AI fund receives award and proves itself in difficult market environmentArticle for Absolut|Alternativ 01/2018 | 4. February 2018
Managed Futures and Modern Strategy Variants – Diversification Tools for Institutional InvestorsPress Release | 29. September 2017
German AI fund awarded at CTA Intelligence European Performance Awards 2017