Interview | BankingHub | 27. July 2023
AI in asset management: between man and machine
TRYCON AI Global Markets, one of Germany's pioneering AI funds, employs AI to conduct data analysis, anticipate market changes and for the investment process. The funds advantages lie in risk mitigation, moderate volatility, and a near-zero correlation to global stock markets. As AI gains wider acceptance (since ChatGPT has been receiving considerable attention), Tungsten Capital fund manager Pablo Hess discusses the future of AI in asset management.

article on hedgewee | 23. March 2021
Tungsten Capital positions AI-powered fund as an alternative for fixed-income investors“

article on hedgeweek | 25. September 2020
Tungsten TRYCON AI-powered UCITS fund marks seventh anniversary with 4.1 per cent gain YTD
Audio | Eurekahedge | 8. July 2020
Eurekahedge Podcast Interview – Tungsten TRYCON AI Global Markets
In a conversation with Eurekahedge (a leading data provider in fund news), portfolio manager Michael Günther explains why his AI-based TRYCON funds has been one of the top performing funds in 2020 (in particular during the first quarter when markets were hit by the corona crisis).

Video | Opalesque Corona Fighters | 23. June 2020
Corona Fighters Webinar-Replay
Portfoliomanager Michael Günther erläutert in dem knapp 10-minütigen Video die Strategie des Tungsten TRYCON AI Global Markets Fonds. Der KI-Fonds zeichnet sich aus durch niedrige Korrelation, attraktive Renditen sowie moderate Volatilität und hohe Liquidität.

Special Report Opalesque | 16. June 2020
Corona Fighters Report: Asset Managers Who Delivered During the Meltdown
Press Release | 11. March 2020
Frankfurt-based AI fund receives award and proves itself in difficult market environment